Our team has been tracking developments in COVID-19 and CARES Act enforcement actions in the U.S. Below we have included selected information from our expansive tracker, which features detailed information on case filing dates, locations and courts as well as descriptions of each action and penalties. These and many more pieces of information can be found in our tracker, which provides a user-friendly interface to filter and sort the extensive information in a variety of ways. To receive regular updates on fraud cases related to COVID-19 and the CARES Act, review our team’s detailed analysis of current enforcement actions or to ask a question click here.

To view a PDF of the COVID-19 fraud case tracker spreadsheet, click the image above.

Current Cases by Agency

Current Cases by Conduct

Current Cases by Type of Action

Current Cases by Type of Defendant

Current Cases by Location

Cumulative Cases Over Time by Agency

Please complete the form below to ask a question or to receive the latest version of the firm's COVID-19 Fraud Case Tracker. If you would like regular updates to the Case Tracker delivered to your inbox, please click the "subscribe" check box on the form. 

Recent News On the CARES Act